Nov 17, 2008

Credit Card Fees That Will Bite You

We all know about annual membership fees, past due fees and overlimit fees, right? I hope so.

Few people though know about two fees many credit card companies charge: currency conversion fees and foreign transaction fees. They can be avoided. See this link to determine which card or cards you should carry if you're planning on traveling overseas.


Ridiculous Spending

We've all made impulsive spending decisions in the past, using credit cards too frequently at the mall, but some people just throw all regard for consequences (financial and otherwise) out the window.

View this list of most ridiculous credit card spending sprees. LINK:

'Junk Mail Effect' Equals Emissions of 9 Million Cars, 7 US States Combined

The amount of mail going out to consumers and businesses is unreal. I've seen a drop in junk mail in my house, but the mail carrier will probably tell you that's not the norm. I've opted for electronic (online) statements and do my banking that way. (That's at least a savings of 10 or 12 stamps a month, plus the trip to the Post Office.)

Here's a site that help you cut down on junk mail:

Saving Money Over the Holidays

With the economy headed out of control and so many facing unemployment, I thought some of you might appreciate some favorite discount shopping sites this holiday season.

One more suggestion, register your kids at and any online shopping directed through their site (to these same outlets and a whole lot more) will not only collect money toward their college tuition, but will also provide you with discounts of up to another 10 percent.