Sep 19, 2007

A few credit card tips

Everyone knows how to avoid the highest credit card rates, right? Pay your bills on time and avoid going overlimit and you won't seen an increase on your APR, right? Wrong.

Check out every single credit card application you can get your dirty little hands on. They all have a disclaimer line: Terms subject to change. It basically means your APR can go up for any reason- sometimes inspired by competitors in the market, or just a sign of the times (the economy stupid). You swear up and down you "signed up" for a fixed APR guaranteed for the life of the loan.

Well... Newsflash here. The only things guaranteed in life are death, taxes and my mama's great cookin. (It's a Southern thang y'all.)

So... Count your lucky stars if your "fixed" APR is sitting at anything below prime right now (currently 8.25). That's a decent card you have there. If you're looking for something lower, there are ways to reach that goal.

First of all, make sure you're using the card you have BEFORE you make a call asking the company to lower the APR from 7.9 percent. You have to remember, these cards are backed by banks and they are in business to make money. They succeed or they get swallowed up. Survival of the fittest and all that jazz.

And before you make that call asking for a lower APR, make sure your payments have been on time. Review your payment history. And make sure you're utilizing the card. If you've been sitting on the card for three years or have it stored in the deep freeze out in the garage, chances are your credit card company won't be able to help you. Scratch their back and they'll try to scratch yours.

Are you seeing credit card offers from other banks? You probably are. Aren't we all? Make sure you read the fine print before taking that worm though. The biggest concerns: your non-introductory rate (after the honeymoon), any fee structure (past due, overlimit, membership fees), and rewards.

Just a start folks. My first of many postings, I hope. Lemme know if you have topics of interest. I hope to touch on retirement planning, stock ventures, 401Ks and just plain ol' consumer saving. Wife and I are big on that. Like to think my coupon queen was inspired by my mother who was another clipper. See future posts for more.-SH

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